February 9, 2024
February 9, 2024
Dear Lindsey Families,
We had a great day today inviting Loved Ones into school. A big thank you goes to our PTO for organizing Book Fair and Lunch with a Loved One!
MAP results are about ready to go home today. Please check your students backpack for your envelope.
Please click the link below for important information regarding spring Ohio State Testing.
Lindsey Spring 2024 OST Information
Melissa Becerra, Principal
January 8 thru Feb 15-Lindsey CARES:Help Keep our Heroes Warm
February 14-Valentine's Day Classroom Parties 9-10:15AM
February 15-Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:30pm by teacher invitation
February 15-Kalahari LN/WW PTO event
February 16- No School/Staff PD Day
February 19-No School/President's Day
February 22-Popcorn Day
Some of Lindsey Elementary School 's top math students competed in the Noetic Learning Math Contest. This semiannual problem-solving contest consists of 20 creative math problems to be solved independently. This fall session challenged over 27,000 elementary and middle school students from 44 different states nationwide. Four West Geauga students from Lindsey Elementary made it onto Noetic’s National Honor Roll, meaning they scored in the TOP 10 PERCENT amongst all participants. The students were recently recognized at the Board of Education meeting by Mrs. Morgano, West Geauga Gifted Coordinator and Enrichment Specialist, and Mrs. Becerra, Lindsey Elementary Principal. Pictured are Colm Dugan (3rd grade), James Davis (5th grade), Cayden Zahler (5th grade).
Believe it or not, we are approaching the end of the school year, and getting ready for our 5th grade students to join us at WGMS! To begin this process, Mrs. Dorko and Mrs. Weisbarth will be visiting the 5th grade students at Lindsey Elementary on Tuesday, February 13th in the morning. In this visit, the 5th graders will learn about the courses they will take, how to select their music choice, learn about the big changes in middle school and get their questions answered.
Later in the spring, the 5th grade students will then have the opportunity to come visit WGMS and tour our building. This is taking place on May 17th in the morning; transportation will be provided.
Parents of incoming 6th graders will also have an informational parent night on May 9th at 6 PM at WGMS. Similar to the presentation given to the 5th graders, parents will learn about the courses students will take, changes between elementary and middle school and have an opportunity to ask questions.
Congratulations to the following students who completed the December/January math challenge:
Melissa Bemak
Alexander Boukis
Juliet Brittain
Cora Carver
Faith Clark
Cooper Clausnitzer
Abram Clemmer
Evan Cobb
Alexander Cullis
Mabel Davis
Kaden Deakins
Trevor Dorazio
Colm Dugan
Gianni Dunlap
Lindsey Elliott
Landon Fuller
Rayna Gotch
Josephine Grady
3RD GRADE (continued)
Sydney Greenslade
Breccan Hanley
Frankie Harnichar
Taylor Healey
Keely Klein
Henry Mikolay
Alexander Milnar
Douglas Misterka
Zachary Montgomery
Amelia Morelli
Meghan Northup
Olivia Oriani
Elena Paterniti
Wes Penzenik
Daniel Rowles
Blake Ryan
Logan Schreiner
Kylar Simon
3RD GRADE (continued)
Genesis Soto
Sadie Talcott
Santino Turcoliveri
Paul Willaman
Cole Wirick
Hannah Wright
Elliot Wyban
Oliver Zaharia
Addie Zahler
Zachary Gracon
Mackenzie Spencer
Raylan Velotta
Luke Wenger
Katelyn Fleming
Liam Kauzlaric
ESCWR Student and Family Resource Center hosts a free summer learning opportunity each year for students entering grades 1-6 at our Hale Road location. The program is FREE and is for review with math and reading. Students are given a snack each session, recreation/outdoor time and will enjoy our reverse field trips. This year our theme is baseball and we have lots of fun and learning planned. Please read below for the Save the Date and look for flier and registration to be emailed beginning in April 2024!
When to keep your student home from school:
Temperature >100.4 (Can return to school when fever free without the use of fever reducing medication for 24 hours)
Vomiting (Can return to school when they have not vomited for 24 hours)
Diarrhea (Can return to school when they have had no diarrhea for 24 hours)
Outdoor Recess:
Remember the weather is changing. Please be prepared with the proper clothing to go outside for recess. Make sure that boots, snowpants, hats, gloves and coats all have your students name on them so we can return them if lost.
We now have an abundance of lost clothing, water bottles, lunch boxes, hats and gloves. We will be donating them right after winter break so please take a moment to see if you are missing anything. You can also come to the school to check out the lost in found from 9am to 2pm daily.
Monday Munchies
Monday Munchies is a great way to show our appreciation for our R.C. Lindsey Elementary teachers and staff. We're asking YOU to provide 3-4 dozen treats. Decadent or nutritious, homemade or purchased with love, the choice is yours. Thank you for making Mondays a little more enjoyable!