September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
September 1st- No School
Fair Day
September 4th- No School Labor Day
September 8th @ 5pm-
Rock the Block
September 18th @ 7pm- Parent College Process Meeting
September 19th- School Pictures
September 25th- No School Yom Kippur
September 27th- Senior Financial Aid Night
September 29th- Homecoming Parade
September 29th- Homecoming Game
September 30th- Homecoming Dance
West Geauga High School Families,
Welcome to another exciting year at West Geauga High School! Be sure to mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
Rock the Block Community Tailgate on 9/8 (5pm): Food trucks, bounce houses, music, and more! Come out for a fun family night before the football game.
Yearbook Orders: Visit our website to order your student's yearbook for 2022-2023. Order them now before the prices have to go up.
Nurse's Corner: Check this section for health forms, medication procedures, and tips for a healthy school year.
Save the Dates: View the list of academics, arts, and athletics events happening this upcoming month. Add them to your calendar now!
Also in this newsletter:
Parking/Drop-off Map: Review campus traffic patterns and parking areas to navigate morning and afternoon transportation.
Cafeteria News: See important information about student meals and accounts.
As always, please reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Stay tuned for more updates throughout the month!
Ryan Patti
High School Principal
Medications at school:
Students who require medications while at school (prescription and over the counter) MUST have a Medication Administration form completed by a physician and signed by their parents.
One medication per form. You can print the form from by Clicking Here
This form can be emailed to the nurse at or faxed to 440-729-5959.
All medication must be dropped off by a parent or guardian.
Students who self carry medication (epi-pens, inhalers, or diabetic medications) must have these forms completed and turned in, in order to carry the medication with them. For additional information Click Here.
Reminder: For all incoming 12th graders: The Meningococcal vaccinations are currently due now. Please send immunization records to
Dear WGHS Families,
This letter is to inform you of the campus driving/parking procedures for the 23-24 school year. Please read the following information carefully with your child, and reference the Campus Map as needed.
All students with a valid driver's license who wish to park on campus must purchase a parking pass for $30 ($15 for those students who spend half of their day or less on campus). The money for the parking passes goes towards that student's prom fund. Any student who parks on campus without a parking pass may be subject to discipline. For a student to receive a parking pass, they must first fill out the following FORM using their email. Once the form is submitted the fee will appear in Infinite Campus. Once the fee is paid, students may pick-up their parking pass Monday through Friday in the high school main office starting the week of August 8th (7:30am - 2:30am). Students will be assigned to park in either LOT A or B based on the following criteria:
All seniors will be assigned to LOT A. This is the lot near the main entrance and adjacent to the library. Additionally, students who arrive late to school (Excel TECC, CCP, etc.) may also be assigned to park in lot A. Students should not park in the first row of spaces closest to the building in lot A, as those are reserved for visitors and staff.
All other students (including juniors and sophomores) will be assigned to park in LOT B (west lot closest to route 306).
We ask that students do NOT park in LOT C (closest to practice fields). This is our designated area for staff parking as well as the BUS area. Any exceptions to this rule must be approved by the assistant principal. Students who park in lot C without permission may be subject to discipline.
We would prefer that parents/guardians who drop off/pick up their child do so at the main entrance (south side of the building), by following the one-way traffic pattern. However, we are aware that it may be easier for parents who have children at both the middle school and high school to drop off/pick up their high school child off at the north entrance, near the practice fields. If this applies to you, please be sure not to enter the BUS LANE and interfere with the buses when dropping off or picking up. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
There are several visitor parking spaces near the main entrance (south end) for those who are visiting campus. Students should not park in visitor parking spaces. Finally, a Campus Map is attached for your reference. We hope everyone had an enjoyable summer, and look forward to the start of the school year. Go Wolverines!
Sincerely, Ryan Patti, Principal
Julie Moeschberger, Assistant Principal
Although not required by federal regulations, the District will allow, in certain circumstances, a child to receive a lunch meal when a packed lunch or money is forgotten. We recognize that situations occur in which this happens occasionally.
The parent or guardian is responsible for ensuring their child has money or a packed lunch daily or has filled out the appropriate application to be eligible to receive free or reduced price meals. If applying for free or reduced price meals, parents must provide lunch money or a packed lunch for their child until notification has been received that their child has been approved to receive free or reduced price meals.
At no time are students permitted to run into a deficit situation for the purchase of a breakfast meal, snack, beverage, or any other a la carte item.
Click Here for more details.