October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023
October 5th -
HS Conferences
October 10th-
Powder Puff Game
October 11th -
PSAT Test (No School for students not taking test)
October 12th -
HS Conferences
Senior Night- Boys Soccer
October 13th -
No School- NEOEA
Senior Night- Football/Cheer/Band
October 20th -
End of 1st Quarter
October 24th
Excel Tecc Recruitment Day for 10th Graders
October 27th
Club & Activity Pictures
Picture Retakes
October 30th
Lakeland CCP Register for Spring
The PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, from 7:30 am to noon (approximately) to all Sophomores and any students who have signed up. Only Sophomores and those students who signed up are required to attend school that day. A modified bell schedule will be run.
Please arrive by 7:15 am and bring non-mechanical pencils, a calculator, and a snack (there will not be a lunch break!) Room assignments will be posted and emailed.
The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test. National Merit Scholar Qualifying Test functions as practice for the SAT, as competition for scholarships, as a signal to colleges to mail recruitment information, and as feedback about skills needed for college success. Please visit CollegeBoard.com for more information.
Russell Township Fire Cadet Program
Anyone interested in the Russell Township Fire Cadet Program, there will be an informal meeting for you and your parents/ legal guardians on Wednesday October 11th at 7 p.m. at the Russell Township Fire Department, 14810 Chillicothe Road. If you are still interested in the cadet program and are unable to make the meeting, please reach out to Anthony Mariola at mariolaj@russellfd.com.
Weight Room Now Open!
The High School Weight Room will now be open for students who want to work out every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 6:00-6:45am
Scholarship Information can be found in the Class of 2024 Google Classroom
Research and apply for even more scholarships HERE!
Scholarships with approaching deadlines:
10/16- YoungArts Scholarship
10/17- Jump Start
10/31- Gemm Learning
Monday, October 30th from 8:00 am-2:00pm a representative from Lakeland will be at WGHS to help with selecting spring 2024 courses. If you would like to talk to a Lakeland representative about your future classes this is a great opportunity. Please bring your CCP Registration Authorization Form to this meeting. Each student who wants to take Lakeland CCP classes next semester (at WG or LCC) will need to register - no one is automatically registered for the next course!
Questions? See your school counselor.
Financial Aid Night by College Now
If you were not able to attend Financial Aid Night. Below are the links that were shared:
Financial Aid Night Presentation
What to do while waiting for FAFSA
What to do while you are waiting for the FAFSA:
se the Federal Student Aid Estimator to help you prepare for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Log onto studentaid.gov/aid-estimator and use this tool to find out how much federal student aid they may be eligible for starting with the2024–25 school year. This tool estimates the Student Aid Index (SAI) for 2024–25 award year which you may need for scholarship applications.
FSA ID Creation- It's critical you have your FSA ID before filling out the FAFSA in December 2023.Make sure you have your social security number, phone number and active email to fill out the form.
Get a head start on FASA by creating your FSA ID today: studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account.
CSS Profile- Over 400 institutions require the CSS Profile as part of the financial aid application.
Find out if any of the colleges you are applying to require this form at https://profile.collegeboard.org/profile/ppi/participatingInstitutions.aspx.
Get started on the CSS Profile here: cssprofile.collegeboard.org