December 15, 2023
December 15, 2023
December 18th-20th
Mid Term Exams
December 20th
Last Day of the Semester
December 21-January 5th
No School- Winter Break
November 21st
Jostens Cap & Gown Orders DUE
April, 2024
Graduation Participation Agreements Due
May 1st
Senior Decision Day
May 3rd
Class of 2024 Prom
May 6th-17th
Senior Internships
AP Testing
May 17th & May 20th
Senior Final Exams
May 20th
Senior Internship Presentations
May 21st
Last Day for Seniors
May 22nd
Senior Awards Night
May 29th
Commencement Ceremony
May 30th and May 31st
Rain Dates to Commencement
Students may arrive late or leave early on midterm days (but are only allotted the same testing window).
If a student has three exams on Monday, 12/18, they may reschedule one of them to a Make-up period by communicating with their classroom teacher.
If a student needs to take a midterm prior to 12/18, they must first get it approved by Mr.Patti or Ms. Moeschberger. Once approved, it will be communicated to their teachers.
Students may not leave the school and return on the same day.
Students who are present in the building without a scheduled exam or are waiting for a ride before leaving early must report to room 124 for study hall when not taking an exam.
Students must remain at their exam site during the entire exam period.
Bus transportation will continue as scheduled during midterm exams (leaving at 2:15 pm).
If students do not have a ride home after finishing their exams, they must wait in room 124 until their bus arrives at 2:15 pm. This time will be used as a study hall to prepare for their upcoming exams.
Exams (or a culminating project) will be given in every class.
Exams are 90 minutes each (same as last year).
Midterm exams count for 20% of the semester grade.
Click Here to view the presentation from the College Credit Plus Information Session.
WG Kiwanis will host the 2024 WG STEM Fair on Saturday, January 27th! The STEM Fair is held at WG Middle School and runs from 8 am to about noon (depending on your events).
As a High School student you have the opportunity to participate in multiple events! Registration is due by Saturday, January 13th.
If you have any questions please see your science teacher or Mrs. Meyer.
Individual Projects
(Open to ALL Students)
Junk Box Wars
(Open to all HS Students)
Math Challenge
(Open to ALL Student)
Register here by Saturday, January 13.
Important Links
Google Classroom
Class of 2024
Class Code- 5dmttfc
College Now Appointment
One on one Financial Aid Support
Attention Seniors!
Below are links to the presentations that were given in early October to both you and your parents. This information is also included in your Google Classroom.
Senior Planning Presentation
Topics included in this document:
Graduation Requirements
Honors Diploma Requirements
Post WGHS Plans
Scoir and Common App
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Common Mistakes
Senior Opportunities
Parent: Scoir Account Set Up
Step by Step instructions on how to set up a Parent Scoir Account
Common App
Apply to college using the Common App
*Common App or the College Website is how students will apply to college.
*Scoir is what students use to communicate to their Counselor that that have applied.
*Once a student drags a college to the "Applied" column under My Colleges in Scoir, their Counselor will be notified and prompted to send their transcript, rec letters and the school profile.
As we are continuing the college application season, please be aware that counselors will not be sending WGHS documents to your colleges over the winter break. Please plan ahead, keep your counselor informed, and understand that if you have placed a school on Scoir that has an application deadline over the break, your school documents will be sent beforehand. Also, be sure the colleges that are listed under the "Applying" column match the colleges in your Common App account. Know that we return from break on January 8th.
We always want to be able to send your WGHS documents in tandem with your submitted application but we do not want to risk there being a late submission. Also as a reminder, once you hit submit on your common app or college website application, please move the college over to the applied column in Scoir that gives us the green light to send in your West G documents!
As you start hearing back from colleges or universities, please update Scoir with the decisions as this will save you time in the spring when we celebrate Senior Decision Day on Wednesday, May 1st!
FAFSA Changes
The Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) announced that the 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), also known as the Better FAFSA, will open by December 31, 2023.
Although the announcement’s language of “by December 31” implies that the FAFSA could launch sooner, the NCAN recommends that for planning purposes, our member organizations use December 31 as the effective opening date.
Unfortunately, the Better FAFSA launch will come with some implementation changes and delayed processes referred to in the announcement. Notably, although students will receive a confirmation email with their Pell Grant eligibility and estimated Student Aid Index, colleges and universities will not begin to receive Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) until later in January. We anticipate that institutions of higher education will then need multiple weeks to load the data, test systems, and begin to generate financial aid offers, likely reaching students in mid- to late-February at the earliest.
The announcement outlines other changes to the 2024-25 cycle, including the fact that direct connections to state financial aid applications will not be available. These connections will return with the 2025-26 FAFSA. There will also be a delay in the processing of institutional corrections and paper FAFSAs, scheduled to begin in February. All of these factors complicate a year in which we are already implementing comprehensive changes for the better including direct data exchange with the Internal Revenue Service and a new process to create FSA IDs for those without Social Security numbers.
Have you purchased your 2024 yearbook? If not, now is the time to reserve your copy of our book: The Scenic Route. Pre-order through Jostens to take advantage of the $65 price. When books arrive in May, they will be $80, sold on a first come-first serve basis.
PSAT/NMSQT® scores for students who tested between October 1, 2023, and October 14, 2023, are available November 6th. Students can utilize a personal College Board account to view their scores online at the link below or students who are using the BigFuture® School app can access their scores on the mobile app.
Student Scores Login - College Board account
Click Here for information on how to interpret scores.
College Now helps high school students achieve their dreams of going to and succeeding in certificate, two-year and four-year degree programs.
Click Here to schedule a Financial Aid One-on-One Meeting with College Now Advisor Jo Levine.
Click Here for the latest College Now Student Newsletter
Financial Aid Night by College Now
If you were not able to attend Financial Aid Night. Below are the links that were shared:
Scholarship Information can be found in the Class of 2024 Google Classroom