August 14,2024
August 14,2024
West Geauga High School Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We're excited to have you and your students back on campus. Please take note of the following important updates and upcoming events:
Freshman & New Student Orientation- Monday, August 19th from 6:00-7:00 pm followed by Open House from 7:00-8:30 pm
First Day of School for all students is Tuesday, August 20th.
Rock the Block Community Tailgate - September 6th at 5pm Join us for a fun family night before the football game! This event will feature food trucks, bounce houses, music, and more. It's the perfect way to kick off the new school year.
Nurse's Corner Check this section of our newsletter for important health forms, medication procedures, and tips for a healthy school year.
Upcoming Events Mark your calendars for the many academic, arts, and athletic events happening this month. You can find a full list on our website.
Additional Information:
Parking/Drop-off Map: Review the campus traffic patterns and parking areas to help with morning and afternoon transportation. Please click here for parking passes.
Cafeteria News: Stay up-to-date on student meal options and account information.
I also wanted to make you aware of some changes within our School Counseling department. Our team is looking forward to a great year.
Mrs. Olivia Cashy (formerly Ms. Minervino) will be the School Counselor for last names A-G. She can be reached at
Mr. Stephen Jaramillo will remain the School Counselor for last names H-O. He can be reached at
Mrs. Lindsey Palus joins our team this year from Hilliard City Schools, and will be the School Counselor for last names P-Z. She can be reached at
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to a wonderful school year ahead!
Best regards,
Ryan Patti
August 19th
6:00-7:00 pm
Freshman/New Student Orientation
7:00-8:30 pm
Open House
August 20th
First Day for Students
August 30th
No School Fair Day
September 2nd
No School Labor Day
September 19th
School Pictures
September 20th
7:00 pm
Homecoming Game
September 21st
7:30-10:30 pm
Homecoming Dance
Coming Soon!
The CommUNITY Room is requesting donations of individual snack bags of goldfish, cheese-its or other snacks as well as granola bars to keep on hand for students. Donations can be dropped off at the Main Office to the attention of Deborah Nanny.
As we get ready to meet your students' transportation requirements for the upcoming school year, we need ALL Excel Tecc families to answer a brief survey on what your Excel Tecc students' needs will be regarding transportation Click Here (even if you do not need transportation, please fill out this form).
This is also an opportunity for us to provide you with details about what you can expect from the transportation department.
All students with a valid driver's license who wish to park on campus must purchase a parking pass for $30 ($15 for those students who spend half of their day or less on campus). The money collected goes towards that student's prom fund. Any student who parks on campus without a parking pass may be subject to discipline.
Students must first fill out the following Form using their email to receive their parking pass. Once you fill out the parking application, you can go into the School Store to pay for your permit. Once the fee is paid, students may pick-up their parking pass Monday through Friday in the high school main office starting the week of August 12th (7:30am - 2:30pm). Students will be assigned to park in either LOT A or B based on the following criteria:
All seniors will be assigned to LOT A. This is the lot near the main entrance and adjacent to the library. Additionally, students who arrive late to school (Excel TECC, CCP, etc.) may also be assigned to park in lot A. Students should not park in the first row of spaces closest to the building in lot A, as those are reserved for visitors and staff.
All other students (including juniors and sophomores) will be assigned to park in LOT B (west lot closest to route 306).
We ask that students do NOT park in LOT C (closest to practice fields). This is our designated area for staff parking as well as the BUS area. Any exceptions to this rule must be approved by the assistant principal. Students who park in lot C without permission may be subject to discipline.
We would prefer that parents/guardians who drop off/pick up their child do so at the main entrance (south side of the building), by following the one-way traffic pattern. However, we are aware that it may be easier for parents who have children at both the middle school and high school to drop off/pick up their high school child off at the north entrance, near the practice fields. If this applies to you, please be sure not to enter the BUS LANE and interfere with the buses when dropping off or picking up. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
There are several visitor parking spaces near the main entrance (south end) for those who are visiting campus. Students should not park in visitor parking spaces.
A Campus Map is below for your reference. We hope everyone had an enjoyable summer, and look forward to the start of the school year. Go Wolverines!
August 14,2024
Link to order a yard sign:
Senior portraits AND baby pictures are due
Friday, September 27, 2024
Vertical pictures only.
Traditional head & shoulder pose preferred (NO full body).
No side profiles
No props (photo size is limited and a prop will likely get cropped out)
No Snapchat filters
No screenshots
No watermark from a professional photographer
A professional sitting with the photographer of your choice.
Taking your own picture according to the above specifications. You can use any camera for this, including phones with high resolution. Portraits taken on a phone must be in JPEG format. If you are unsure how to adjust the settings so pictures are taken in this format please see the following doc.
Attend WGHS Picture Day: Thursday, September 19, 2024. Pastor Photography would take a yearbook picture for your senior.
Check your email and/or the school website for the Google submission form, or CLICK HERE.
This form will walk you through the process, and it will give you the link to submit both your senior and baby pictures.
Getting pictures in on time is important! It helps us ensure our books are delivered on time in the spring. Thanks in advance for respecting our deadline.
Questions? Email
Since we are getting a head start this year, we have some volunteer opportunities coming up SOON!
There are several events that we want to attend to help us recruit new members and grow the PTO. The link below will show you all the dates and times when we need an extra hand or two.
Are you taking your kids to Conquer Your Locker? Can you stay for an extra hour to help promote PTO?? Heading up to Unity Day? Can you help at our tent to recruit for an hour or two?? We will be forever grateful!!
The High School rep position is still vacant! We are looking for a HS parent or student who can keep us in the loop of what is going on up at the HS!! We promise we won't ask for much - low commitment required.
Medications at school:
Students who require medications while at school (prescription and over the counter) MUST have a Medication Administration form completed by a physician and signed by their parents.
One medication per form. You can print the form from by clicking here
This form can be emailed to the nurse at or faxed to 440-729-5959.
All medication must be dropped off by a parent or guardian.
Students who self carry medication (epi-pens, inhalers, or diabetic medications) must have these forms completed and turned in, in order to carry the medication with them. For additional information click here.
Reminder: For all incoming 12th graders: The Meningococcal vaccinations are currently due now. Please send immunization records to
Last Names A-G
Mrs. Olivia Cashy
Last Name H-O
Mr. Stephen Jaramillo
Last Name P-Z
Mrs. Lindsey Palus
College Now helps high school students achieve their dreams of going to and succeeding in certificate, two-year and four-year degree programs.
Click Here to schedule a Financial Aid One-on-One Meeting with College Now Advisor Jo Levine.
Click Here for the latest College Now Student Newsletter
Scholarship Information can be found in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom
West Geauga High School