November 8, 2024
November 8, 2024
The Interact club is preparing to hold our annual food drive starting this Monday, November 4th, and running for two weeks through Friday, November 15th. All money and items will be donated to the Geauga County Hunger Task Force and will be distributed to food banks throughout our local Geauga County community.
We will accept both monetary donations as well as non-perishable food items. Students can donate cash or on the school store in Infinite Campus, or bring any items into school. To encourage monetary donations, which is what food banks prefer, each $1 will be the equivalent of 2 canned goods. Last year we donated $2,500 and 900 lbs of food, and we are hoping to do even better this year!
We will collect any non-perishable items such as canned goods, pastas, rice, and more. Here is a list of items that the Hunger Task Force is specifically requesting:
- Condiments such as ketchup, mustard, mayo, and salad dressing
- Coffee/Tea
- Peanut Butter
- Vegetable Oil
- Sugar
- Flour
- Canned goods such as vegetables, fruits, soups, meat (tuna, chicken, salmon)
- Jelly
- Macaroni and cheese and other pastas
- Spaghetti sauce
- Non-sugar cereal
- Juice - 100%
- Spices and seasonings
“Yeah, It Happens Here” and Here’s How to Help
Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Cell Phone Policy Mandate
November 13th
Red Cross Blood Drive
November 18th
NHS Induction Ceremony
November 20th
Life After High School
Juniors Parent Meeting
6:00 pm
November 27-29th
No School
Thanksgiving Break
December 3rd
ELA II Pt 1 Make Up EOC Exam
December 4th
ELA II Pt 2 Make Up EOC Exam
December 5th
Alg/Geom Pt 1 EOC Exam
December 6th
Alg/Geom Pt 2 EOC Exam
December 10th-11th
Government EOC Exam
December 12th
Am. History/Gov/Bio Pt 1 EOC
December 13th
Am. History/Gov/Bio Pt 2 EOC
Greetings West Geauga High School Families.
My name is Anya Meyer and I'm the Library Media Specialist for the District. I'm looking forward to helping our students and have created a website for students and families that focus on our Library online resources here: I have been working with our ELA teachers to share the District's online literacy tools that we have available for students and I look forward to supporting their academic endeavors.
The CommUNITY Room is requesting donations of individual snack bags of goldfish, cheese-its or other snacks as well as granola bars to keep on hand for students. Donations can be dropped off at the Main Office to the attention of Deborah Nanny.
Congratulations is in order to Gates Mills Environmental Education Center students that prepared and competed at Ohio Green Industry Association's 9th Annual Ohio High School Landscape Olympics (OHLO) at The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute in Wooster. The dynamic, one-day event brought together over 250 students from 17 Ohio high schools for a hands-on experience aimed at exploring careers in the green industry and connecting with leading professionals. Students had the opportunity to train on 20 immersive, hands-on competitions simulating real-world tasks.
Tool Identification
GOLD Medal Winners: Lizzie Katz (Bchwd) & Anderson Louden (West G)
Irrigation Assembly and & Troubleshooting Participants: Addie Taylor (May) & Anderson Louden (West G)
Hardscape Installation
Participants: Logan Carroll (West G) & Ethan Southard (WES- North)
Skid Steer Operation
7th Place Winner: Logan Carroll (West G)
The application window for acceptance into an Excel Tecc program will open at 6:00 am on Friday, December 13th.
Click Here to watch program videos on the Excel Tecc YouTube Channel.
Click Here for the presentation given to all Sophomores.
Click Here for the latest Excel Tecc Newsletter
The state of Ohio requires students to pass/attain competency in their EOC subject-specific tests. If your child has multiple tests that conflict with each other they will take one on a make up day as assigned. Government students will be taking this in December this year.
Achievement on these tests fulfills the students' pathway to graduation. These tests are not the only pathway that Ohio has outlined for schools, but they are the most straightforward way to achieve Ohio's graduation requirements.
For students completing retakes for the exam, we'd like to offer every student a subject/test-specific "Boot Camp." These Boot Camps sessions will run in the teacher's rooms each Tuesday and Thursday before the exams during Wolverine Period 9:52 AM to 10:28 AM.
December 3rd
ELA II Pt 1 Make Up EOC Exam
December 4th
ELA II Pt 2 Make Up EOC Exam
December 5th
Alg/Geom Pt 1 EOC Exam
December 6th
Alg/Geom Pt 2 EOC Exam
December 10th-11th
Government EOC Exam
December 12th
Am. History/Gov/Bio Pt 1 EOC
December 13th
Am. History/Gov/Bio Pt 2 EOC
All Scholarship Opportunities are posted in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom
under Scholarships
The Munson Township Scholarship Program was established by the Township Trustees in 2005. Proceeds from Munson’s Community Day Picnic and Flea Markets as well as any outside scholarship-specified donations are designated for funding of the scholarship program. These scholarships are made possible by donations from area businesses and the support of many Munson residents.
Applicant Criteria
• Student must be a Munson Township resident.
• Student must have at least a cumulative GPA of 2.8
• Student must plan to attend an accredited two or four-year college or university, or a career or technical education institution the following fall. The college or university must be a public or private, not-for-profit institution from which an associate or bachelor’s degree can be received.
Click Here for more information
Now is the perfect time for students to submit their undergraduate admission application for University of Cincinnati! We are waiving the undergraduate admission application fee for students who apply between November 1 – November 14. That's right – students can apply for free!
Students applying to one of our regional campuses, UC Blue Ash or UC Clermont, through our website simply need to submit their application during the fee waiver period of November 1 – 14.
Please feel free to reach out if you or your students have any questions about UC and the application process.
University of Cincinnati
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
College Now helps high school students achieve their dreams of going to and succeeding in certificate, two-year and four-year degree programs.
Click Here to schedule a Financial Aid One-on-One Meeting with a College Now Advisor.
Click Here for the latest College Now Student Newsletter
In the coming weeks, if you receive an alert from a college that they haven't received an application document, don't panic!
Colleges are often flooded with documents and their teams need adequate time to process the influx. Please allow Admission Operations Teams at least 14 business days to process application documents.
Every document sent through Scoir is tracked. In almost all instances, the required documents were in fact received by the application processing department but the college's applicant portal either hasn't updated to reflect receipt, or there's a possible mismatch between the personal information students used on their applications and what's listed in Scoir (think: first name and last name, email, DOB, etc.).
Additionally, if documents were submitted prior to the student's application, they may have been set aside by the college.
We know how difficult it can be to avoid this, as students often have their own planned timelines for applying. But, if colleges do not yet have an application to which they can "match" the documents, it can result in the institution marking your student's documents as "missing" until they are matched with their submitted application.
To help mitigate the chances of mismatched emails, students were prompted this year to use the same email address in their college tile that was used on the application.
Please remember, documents are never lost when sent with Scoir. In most cases your applications have arrived at the colleges and they are awaiting processing, and there is no need to resend the document.
SENIORS! You have made it so now let's show these colleges and universities what we've got!
Here is the Senior Year Presentation with information about the College Application Process and other additional helpful links! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out or stop by the Counseling Office to see your school counselor.
Buy your yearbook online now! You can purchase directly from Jostens using this link. Pre-ordering ensures you have a copy reserved at the $65 sale price. If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Klampe or Sarah Thrasher.
Senior parents: Looking for a way to honor your Class of 2025 graduate? The yearbook is a perfect place to congratulate your senior! We have grad ads available for purchase. Check this document for further information about pricing and options. Get your ad in soon! The deadline is November 17!
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, November 20 @ 7:00 PM at the Geauga West Library. We hope you will join us!
THANK YOU to our wonderful Upper School PTO who went above and beyond to show their appreciation last week. They organized and provided a delicious dinner teachers enjoyed during Parent/Teacher conferences, ensuring we were well-fed for the evening. They also generously supplied our kitchen with new items to improve our daily experience!
Their thoughtfulness and generosity demonstrate the strong community support we are fortunate to have at West G. These acts of kindness not only make our work environment more comfortable but also remind us of the appreciation our community has for the work we do.
Thank you Upper School PTO!
West Geauga High School