December 13, 2024
December 13, 2024
Students may arrive late or leave early on midterm days (but are only allotted the same testing window).
If a student has three exams on Tuesday, 12/17, they may reschedule one of them for a make-up period by communicating with their classroom teacher.
If a student needs to take a midterm prior to 12/17, they must first get it approved by Mrs. Dorko or Mr. Patti. Once approved, it will be communicated to teachers.
Students may not leave the school and return on the same day.
Students who do not arrive late or leave early must report to room 124 for study hall when not taking an exam.
Students must remain at their exam site during the entire exam period. After their exams, any student waiting for the bus must wait in room 124 for their bus. Students who drive themselves are able to leave after the exam period.
Bus transportation will continue as scheduled during midterm exams.
Exams (or a culminating project) will be given in every class.
Exams are 90 minutes each (same as last year).
Midterm exams count for 20% of the semester grade.
December 13th
Excel Tecc Application Window Opens @6:00 am
December 20th-January 6th
Winter Break
Greetings West Geauga High School Families.
My name is Anya Meyer and I'm the Library Media Specialist for the District. I'm looking forward to helping our students and have created a website for students and families that focus on our Library online resources here: I have been working with our ELA teachers to share the District's online literacy tools that we have available for students and I look forward to supporting their academic endeavors.
“Yeah, It Happens Here” and Here’s How to Help
NOW is the BEST TIME to limit screen time at home, and here’s why....Click Here
The CommUNITY Room is requesting donations of individual snack bags of goldfish, cheese-its or other snacks as well as granola bars to keep on hand for students. Donations can be dropped off at the Main Office to the attention of Deborah Nanny.
Mr. Bryan's AP Human Geography students celebrated the Thanksgiving, or "Harvest", season with a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to kick off the season of gratitude and togetherness. It wasn’t just about the turkey and pie; it was about building camaraderie with classmates. We explored how different cultures celebrate this holiday, learning about various traditions that make Thanksgiving special across the world. Through sharing stories we connected the fun of the celebration to our studies in AP Human Geography, highlighting the importance of culture and community. This celebration reminded us all of the value of friendship and the little things that make this time of year so meaningful!
Geauga West Rotary Club's 32nd Annual Breakfast with Santa was a festive success, thanks to dedicated Interact student volunteers. Attendees enjoyed heartwarming moments with Santa and Rudolph, capturing memorable photos, singing Christmas music with the High School and Middle School Choir, and participating in holiday games. The event not only spread seasonal cheer but also raised funds to support vital Rotary Community projects and local activities, demonstrating the power of community engagement during the holiday season.
The WGHS Choir students delighted the Geauga County Retired Teachers Association with songs of the season at their annual holiday event.
The West Geauga High School Forensics class visited the Geauga County Sheriff's Office and Corrections Department. Students also had the opportunity to speak with Judge Stupica and observe court proceedings. They learned how forensics is an essential part of the work done in Geauga County.
Chase Pirosko
Paul Flowers
Madison Spencer
Isabella DiFranco
Robert Vash
Matilda Tumada
Congratulations to September, Octobers and November's Students of the Month recognized by both the Kiwanis and Rotary Organizations!
In Foundations of Technology and Engineering, students are working on their assistive technology projects. Students had to use the Engineering Design process to create a piece of Technology that could be used to help a person with a disability. Student projects included an electric wheelchair, fidget toy, and electric prosthetic hand. One group teamed up with Mr. Smith and his Sewing class to create a drawstring bag and pillow to create a care bag for a person with epilepsy. Students programmed a wearable sensor to detect when a person has a sudden fall and produce an alarm with a message to check the backpack. In the backpack is a laser engraved information card and pillow to help assist with the emergency.
Students also worked to create Holiday Decorations to celebrate the upcoming holiday season.
In FIRST TECH Challenge (Robotics Club), students are working on programming their robot to move for their upcoming competition.
Concert Band (DeSapri), Symphonic Band (Branch), Jazz Band (Branch) all did a fantastic job with their performances on Monday 12/9! Pictured are Mrs. DeSapri's Steel Band that performed three awesome songs on 'Steel Pan' in their portion of Monday's concert, while Mr. Branch conducted our combined WGHS bands performing 'Christmas Eve/Sarajevo' by the TSO.
Foods 1 students competed in their Chopped Class Final.
Students had to make desserts using yogurt, flour tortillas, individual fruit snack cups, egg and Hostess snack cakes. The students had the opportunity to use some of the skills they learned in Foods 1 class and compete for the coveted title of Class Chopped Champion.
Secret Service Day
Pajama Day
Mr. Shiban LOVED
wearing his new PJ's!
Camo Day
Holiday Cheer at it's best!
This week WGHS Faculty and Staff participated in a Secret Underground Spirit Week! What is an "Underground Staff Spirit Week" you ask? Well... it is a STAFF ONLY secret spirit week where Faculty and Staff dress in different themes each day without saying anything to the students. The idea is to create a fun and joyful environment for our school community by surprising students with the day's theme each day and seeing if they can guess what it is! The kids caught on pretty quickly of course but we all had fun with the daily themes!
The application window for acceptance into an Excel Tecc program will open at 6:00 am on Friday, December 13th.
Click Here to watch program videos on the Excel Tecc YouTube Channel.
Click Here for the presentation given to all Sophomores.
Click Here for the latest Excel Tecc Newsletter
All Scholarship Opportunities are posted in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom
under Scholarships
Dr. G. James Pinchak
Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2019, this memorial scholarship was created by the Ohio Career-Technical Administrators Organization (OCTA) in memory of Dr. Jim Pinchak.
The purpose of this scholarship is to help support career and technical education students who wish to further their training.
The scholarship is available to all current senior students enrolled in a career and technical education (CTE) program at a city, compact or joint vocational school district.
The scholarship can be awarded to a senior student who has successfully completing a CTE program of study and is entering college, an adult workforce development training program, a CTE career or apprenticeship program.
Scholarship Award: Two $1000.00 per OCTA Region
Total statewide award: $12,000.00
Application must be completed NO LATER THAN March 1, 2025
College Now helps high school students achieve their dreams of going to and succeeding in certificate, two-year and four-year degree programs.
Click Here to schedule a Financial Aid One-on-One Meeting with a College Now Advisor.
Click Here for the latest College Now Student Newsletter
FAFSA Family Size Issue
Please note the following important issue on the Parent contributor side of your FAFSA. After your tax information is imported into your FAFSA, you will come across the question: “Is the family size different from the number of individuals claimed on your 2023 tax return?” The box will be checked to “no”. To ensure that the family size information is being reported correctly, check “yes” and the screen will then show you what family size is being reported. If the number is not correct, you can add the number of additional family members to adjust the total family size on this screen. If the number is correct, you can just go back and re-check the “no” box. Once you’ve confirmed this information, you can continue completing the FAFSA.
It is easy to correct this issue if you have already submitted your FAFSA. You can login and start a correction, review the information, and submit and sign it again. It is still early in the process. If you need assistance in completing your FAFSA or checking the family size that you reported, please reach out to Heidi Spangler, our College Now Advisor, at or call/text:216-200-4780
West Geauga High School Class of 2025
FSA ID Contest Entry Form
Complete your FAFSA by December 31st and be entered to win a $100 gift card to the college bookstore of your choice. You must have an FSA ID to complete your FAFSA.
You can complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA by Clicking Here
Come to one of our FAFSA Nights if you need assistance Sign Up Here
All contest entries must be received by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, December 31st. Five students will be selected to win a $100 gift card to the school bookstore of their choice. If you are selected as a winner, you must login to your FAFSA account to show Mrs. Spangler that you have completed your FAFSA. Students will have until May 1st, 2025 to select the college bookstore for their gift card. If no store is selected by then, the card will be issued for Barnes & Noble.
A few helpful links:
Click Here to create your FSA ID. Use your personal email to create your account. Do not use your school email.
Click Here to determine which parent should contribute to your FAFSA form.
Click Here if you think you might be an independent student.
Follow @westgathletics on Instagram for full athletic coverage
In the coming weeks, if you receive an alert from a college that they haven't received an application document, don't panic!
Colleges are often flooded with documents and their teams need adequate time to process the influx. Please allow Admission Operations Teams at least 14 business days to process application documents.
Every document sent through Scoir is tracked. In almost all instances, the required documents were in fact received by the application processing department but the college's applicant portal either hasn't updated to reflect receipt, or there's a possible mismatch between the personal information students used on their applications and what's listed in Scoir (think: first name and last name, email, DOB, etc.).
Additionally, if documents were submitted prior to the student's application, they may have been set aside by the college.
We know how difficult it can be to avoid this, as students often have their own planned timelines for applying. But, if colleges do not yet have an application to which they can "match" the documents, it can result in the institution marking your student's documents as "missing" until they are matched with their submitted application.
To help mitigate the chances of mismatched emails, students were prompted this year to use the same email address in their college tile that was used on the application.
Please remember, documents are never lost when sent with Scoir. In most cases your applications have arrived at the colleges and they are awaiting processing, and there is no need to resend the document.
SENIORS! You have made it so now let's show these colleges and universities what we've got!
Here is the Senior Year Presentation with information about the College Application Process and other additional helpful links! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out or stop by the Counseling Office to see your school counselor.
Have you reserved your copy of our 2025 yearbook? This year's theme is Wolverine Country, and you won't want to miss out on our $65 presale offer. Click here to order!
Senior parents: Senior grad ads will only be available through winter break? After that, no additional ads will be sold. Click Here for information. Email if you have any questions.
'Tis the season for giving!
We know this is a busy time of year but it's also a great time to take advantage of several different opportunities to visit your child at school and say "Thank You" to their teachers in person.
Sweet Treat Bakery or Monetary Donation (drop-off on 12/16): Please consider donating either home baked or store bought goods for our Annual Coffee & Cookies Treat Bar dedicated to our fabulous MS & HS teachers. If you don't have time to bake or do any more shopping, there is an option to make a monetary contribution to support this fun and festive activity for our teachers! Click HERE to get involved!
Setup Sweet Treats on 12/16: Volunteers are needed to help set up the Coffee & Cookies Treat Bar at both the HS & MS on December 16th. This is a chance to contribute to the festive atmosphere and show your support of our faculty and staff! Click HERE to sign up now!
Need One More HS Helper for 12/16: The PTO is looking for one more high school helper to pass out treats to students during lunch periods on December 16th. It's a great way to get into the school building, see the kids and teachers, and help spread some holiday cheer! Sign up HERE!
Buy Cleveland Monsters Game Tickets for 1/10: Show your support by purchasing tickets for the Cleveland Monsters game on January 10th. At this game, the Monsters are offering $1 sodas, $2 hot dogs, and $3 adult beverages! Gather your friends and family for a fun night out together! Purchase your tickets HERE!
Sign up to Help Pass Out Pizza and Ice Cream on 1/10: The PTO Pizza Party for the class that has the most families to join the PTO will be held on January 10th. The winning class will get pizza during their lunch period. That same day, the MS is giving out ice cream treats for students that have earned an Attendance Award! Want to help out? Click HERE!
Thank you for all your support throughout the first half of the year! We hope you have a fantastic winter break and holiday season!
West Geauga High School