February 9, 2024
February 9, 2024
February 10th
OMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest
February 13th
Juniors Mock ACT Trial
February 16th
EXCEL TECC Students must confirm their seats by 11:59pm
No School- PD Day
February 19th
No School- President's Day
February 21st
8th Grade Parent Night
February 28th
ACT Test All Juniors (No School 9, 10 & 12th)
April, 2024
Graduation Participation Agreements Due
May 1st
Senior Decision Day
May 3rd
Class of 2024 Prom
May 6th-17th
Senior Internships
AP Testing
May 17th & May 20th
Senior Final Exams
May 20th
Senior Internship Presentations
May 21st
Last Day for Seniors
May 22nd
Senior Awards Night
May 29th
Commencement Ceremony
May 30th and May 31st
Rain Dates to Commencement
The CommUNITY Room is requesting donations of individual snack bags of goldfish, cheese-its or other snacks as well as granola bars to keep on hand for students. Donations can be dropped off at the Main Office to the attention of Deborah Nanny.
Attention Juniors
We will be conducting a Mock Trial of the ACT on Tuesday February 13th during Wolverine period!
In order to ensure that we are best prepared for the ACT, please remember to bring your updated and charged school-issued chromebook on Tuesday, February 13th!
Please stop by the counseling office with any questions!
The actual ACT will be administered February 28th to all Juniors.
There will be NO SCHOOL for Freshman, Sophomores and Seniors on that day.
Please click the link below for important information regarding spring Ohio State Testing.
The Prom Fashion Show will be held on Sunday, February 25th at the WG Middle School. To participate as a model you must be a West Geauga HS Senior and you must be available from 9am-4pm on the day of the event.
Participants will model formal wear as our MC for the event provides a description of your outfit.
At the Fashion Show there will be vendor booths to visit before/during/after the show along with many raffle baskets that will be auctioned off. The event will be open to family, friends and the community to attend. All proceeds from the show will go towards the WG Class of 2024 After Prom!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the After Prom Committee: Angela Kercher akercher@att.net OR Stephanie Gruber stephandboys3@gmail.com
All students who are interested in or currently participating in the College Credit Plus program during the 2024-2025 school year (this includes students enrolling in courses offered at West Geauga High School, or, a local college) must complete a Letter of Intent by April 1, 2024. This is a state-mandated deadline with no exceptions. Continuing CCP students are also required to submit a letter of intent by April 1, 2024.
Here are the steps required:
1. Obtain a letter of intent from the WGHS School Counseling Office or download it below. Review this with your parents or guardians.
2. Take a photo of the signature page of the letter of intent (no need to get the counselor's signature as we will sign all forms once they are received).
3. Complete the CCP Intent Form Upload Google Form. Please complete the questions and upload the intent form.
4. Apply to the CCP Program (Kent, Lakeland, Tri-C, etc).
5. Once admitted, register for courses. You must obtain your counselor's signature before submitting it to the college.
Students and families must review this presentation regarding College Credit Plus policies and procedures. Additional information can be found on the WGHS website.
Students are encouraged to initiate the college application process ASAP and register for CCP courses before the summer break.
Please contact your school counselor with any questions.
On 3/7 during Wolverine Period the Counselors will be reviewing the CCP Information presentation that was given back in December to students who were not able to attend. We will meet in the Choir Room.
Students will be expected to sign in to let attendance know that they are present with us. If they do not sign in, they are responsible for any consequences deemed appropriate by the administration.
When will I schedule for next year?
Week of March 4th
Week of March 11th
Week of March 18th
The WGMS Sixth Grade will be going to Camp Fitch on March 11-March 13, 2024. We are looking for high school students to act as camp counselors. Camp counselors are typically in charge of a group of about 6-10 sixth graders. As a counselor, you would be responsible for leading your group to the various activities, keeping the students on task throughout the programs, overseeing meals and assisting parents in the cabins at night. We are looking for responsible students who would be a positive role model for younger students.
If you are interested in being a counselor for Sixth Grade Camp, please complete this application and return to Ms. Moeschberger by Friday, February 9.
Please note the dates of camp: March 11-March 13, 2024. This is a Monday through Wednesday. Please make sure that you are available on these dates before submitting this application. If you will be participating in a spring sport, please check with your coach on whether or not this interferes with the team schedule.
For more information on Medcamp Click Here
Students Click Here to Register Career Reps Click Here to Register
Hundreds of colleges and universities from the US and worldwide will be ready and waiting to talk with you at the Cleveland National College Fair on Saturday, February 10, 2024 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland.
Don’t miss this free, one-day event for high school students, transfer students, and families. Go to nacacattend.org/fairs to register for the program and to see the list of participating colleges.
On the day of the fair, you will be able to interact with college and university representatives, attend workshops, ask your questions, and demonstrate interest in colleges. It’s a great way to connect with hundreds of colleges on one day to learn about majors, scholarship, and more.
FEBRUARY 23 WILL BE THE LAST DAY FOR GUARANTEED $65 YEARBOOK PREORDERS. Now is the time to reserve your copy of our book: The Scenic Route. When books arrive in May, they will be $80, sold on a first come-first serve basis. Use this link to order your book through Jostens today!
College Now helps high school students achieve their dreams of going to and succeeding in certificate, two-year and four-year degree programs.
Click Here to schedule a Financial Aid One-on-One Meeting with College Now Advisor Jo Levine.
Click Here for the latest College Now Student Newsletter
Financial Aid Night by College Now
If you were not able to attend Financial Aid Night. Below are the links that were shared:
FAFSA Fundamentals – a Step by Step FAFSA completion workshop
January 20th @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
An interactive IN PERSON workshop detailing how to fill out the FAFSA form line-by-line. Turn confusion into clarity with expert guidance, ensuring every section is completed accurately. This session will be held in person at College Now’s downtown office.
Scholarship Information can be found in the Class of 2024 Google Classroom
Click Here for application